Hello everyone! Well it's been just a little over one week here and it already feels like home! I am feeling comfortable with the city, the language, my classes, etc. It's really wonderful over here! Recently My feet have been complaining to me about my sudden reliance on them for transportation, but I know they'll get used to their new job; I think they should feel lucky that i at least take the bus some of the time. One of my favorite aspects of the Spanish life is the community. Every evening the streets, cafes and parks are all full of people walking with their families and friends, especially on the weekends. Everyone is dresses in their finest attire; men in their GQ suits, women in heels and nice clothes, and children here dress kind of like the children out of the Dick and Jane books with dresses, and leather maryjanes (both boys and girls wear the mary-janes with colored stockings). Sometimes when I think of life at home in the US while out I am out and about in the city, I feel like life in America can at times be very isolated in comparason to other parts of the world.
My Mexican Spanish is slowly but surely transforming into a more European form of the language. I am learning that many of the Mexican words that I know are unheard of here. Some examples are the words for Computer( not computadora but Ordenador) and Juice (not jugo, but Zumo, pronounced, "Thumo") If I asked for a tortilla and expected round flatbread, I would be suprised when I recieve a potatoe omlette, the only "tortillas" they have here.
On Saturday we took and excursion to Segovia, one of the most ancient cities of Spain. It was a very interesting city filled with both Gothic and Roman architecture. In this picture we are standing next to the famous Aqueducts of Segovia from the first century. When you get to the top, you can see the famous mountains, "La mujer dormida" or "Sleeping woman," which consists of her face, and other inportant aspects. This sight was not quite as exciting as other attractions, but worth the climb. Our guide kept reminding us that the aqueducts have no cements binding the rocks together, and that they will never fall. As I craned my neck to peer up at the rock arch above my head, I realized what a feat this was!
Shorty after, my friends and I went walking and found a castle which housed King Fernando and Isabel, most famous for allowing Christopher Columbus three boats to travels to America. (Accually this bit of history is not nearly as important to the Spanish people as it is in America, these two are more famous for uniting the provences of Aragon and Catilla.)
Well that is all for today! I hope that you have learned alot about Segovia and other aspects about Spain. If any of you are interested in contacting mr, my address is; Aragon 3, Bajo derecho, Valladolid, Espana! ANy letters, or boxes of cookies are openly accepted, remember, I don't leave until June 22!
Con Mucha Amor a cada una de vos, adios y ahasta luego!
Aw, sounds like you're having a great time, especially now that you got your suitcase! Have some fun for all of us and come back with great stories and pictures. I was just thinking of Italy when you came to visit - good times, good times. Have some of those in Spain!
Hey Amers! It sounds lovely. I knew you would adore it. I love you friend. You are getting to be quite a wonderful blogger.
Wow it looks like I AM definitely out of the loop but I'm SO glad you're getting to travel and experience lovely Spain! I can't wait to hear more and loved your blog notes and pics - very well written and can't wait to hear more. - Laters, blondie!
- Dan J
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