Thursday, February 5, 2009

We are college bound!

I don't know about you--but I think college great, and so do all of us who spend most of our day in room 19--third grade. At the beginning of the year, we adapted the mascot of the Dragon, and it has been our being, our essence ever since. We love dragons, we ARE dragons.

So then our school had college week. When we decided to write letters to a college telling them how excited we were to go one day, we chose Minnesota State University. Why Minnesota you ask? Not because of their neat local, or even their striking color combination, but because they happen to share the mascot that has brought so much to our lives--Dragons. We wrote them letters, here is a sampling:

"Dear Minnesota Dragons,

Wow, we are dragons too. I want to go to college to learn hard stuff. I want be a dog trainer so I will go to college. I want to dissect a lion and a tiger. I love college, college is asom.


Dear Minnesota State University,

I can't wait for college. I want to go so I don't be poor. My uncle went to college. What is it like in Minnesota? I love your mascot. Dragons are cool.

Well, Minnesota state wrote back. This is NOT a joke. We were ecstatic. They said that even in third grade there is so much we can do to get read for college; pay attention in class, read a lot, and try extra curricular activities! They also sent college pencils, fake dragon tattoos and brochures.

So we came up with a cheer, made a poster and had a pep rally with painted red and black faces... Over the top? I think NOT!



Kelsey said...

I loved this blog update :)

sam said...

i want to be in your class soooo bad!

Meli la gringa said...

You are the best!!! Dragons for life.

Jessica Freeman said...

Nico is my favorite dragon. I can't wait to come to your class to help out again and see lice running rampant through student's hair.