Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It came in a dream

"Mrs. Brockhaus, can we stay in at recess and create a poster to cheer us on for First in Math?" asked four of my students.

First in math is an online game, and each class at our school is a team. You can log in at home, school, library, play math games and earn points for your team. Our team is in second place at our school with 48,000 points. But only first place gets a trophy. The closest next behind us is only 30,000. We are in fierce competition. We DONT' share our secrets, we don't fraternize with the enemy, we do whatever it takes! We are pitted again the first place team--a fourth grade team--who currently has the trophy in their class, and they have all year.

Oh, did I mention you can be ranked within the city and state? Oh, did I mention that this fourth grade class who holds our trophy is ranked second...in the state? ONE of their players has more points than half my class....

But California has a small populous, right?

Well, here's to high hopes! :-)

My eager students created this masterful paper of hope, had each student sign it and we hung it on the wall above the computers. "I thought of the idea in my dream," said Timothy.

Here's us with our poster, and YES! WE mean BUSINESS! WE are MATH STARS! At our school at least...

Three cheers for optimism!


BeholdingBeautiful said...


Patty said...

You're the best teacher ever and the state of California really needs to know!