Monday, February 8, 2010

Something horribly sad, then happy

Ok, so the first thing I have to show you is the reason why we are scrambling to find money for baby Anna.  If she does not get adopted by age 4, she will be sent here, were she has an 80% chance of not surviving her first year.  PLEASE WATCH, Goodmorning America was lucky to capture these shots, because it's usually illegal.

No one would want their child to go to this horrible place.  So, now for the good news!  Although we are far from our $5,000 goal for baby Anna's adoption fund, we just sent some money today totaling $412!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HURRAY!  Don't worry baby girl, we'll keep working and praying for a mommy and daddy to come rescue you soon!

We've already started to refill our collection:


If you're reading this and would be willing to make a donation, please let me know, or visit and donate to her from there!  

To Donate:
-click Waiting Children
-click Children with Downsydrom, 0-2
-click Donate
-In the note say, (You can just copy and paste :)

Donation for Anna 2, in orphanage (9)

(There's a couple Annas, so be sure to say Anna 2, orphanage (9)  :)

Thanks, I appreciate you reading this :)



BeholdingBeautiful said...

Hey sis! How can I donate directly to her. I can't find her when I go to the website home page. Please help! =)

BeholdingBeautiful said...

Thanks for the instructions...just donated to Anna 2! =)

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

I am bawling my eyes out here!