Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My heart is SO happy!

This is totally not just for dads, because it spoke to my heart too!

Speaking of hearts, mine is just BURSTING RIGHT NOW!


Sweet, beautiful Cordelia was committed to today!  Cordelia was first placed on my heart by my friend Kate who began fund-raising for her.  She is SO beautiful and now doesn't have to live life without a family!

 She is just so sweet, be still my heart!

Another reason my heart is bursting, is becuase GOD IS GOOD, and let me tell you why (preach it girl)

Ok, so my high school girls and I made the cutest little prayer cards for Jacob.

Ok, so these might be hard to read from here, but they say:
1.  Pray that a family commits to him soon.
2.  Pray for his growth and development in the institution.
3. That he is shown love by his caretakers
4.  That he knows Gods presence
5.  That our group can raise enough money for him.

We passed them out last week, and have been praying for him daily.  Fast forward 3 days from Wednesday, to Saturday.  Saturday, my friend Jessica and I had planned a garage sale to raise money for her missions trip to Fiji.  That same week, she received in the mail MORE than enough money to fund her trip.  Praise the Lord, right, well, He's not done.  Remember, six lovely young high school girls have been praying daily for Jacob for a couple days now.

"Why don't we STILL have the garage sale, but donate all the money to Jacob??"says Jessica, the night before.

WOW!  I think, until Saturday morning...

when we realize we really don't have that much stuff to sell.  She has a couple bags, I have two bags, and our first customers leave rolling their eyes at the waste of time. 


I decide to go upstairs to Jessica's mom's room.  Hoarder?  Um, perhaps.

We slowly start to go through the items in her large room.  (Which is devine intervention in it's self, have you seen the show, "Hoarders"?  These people and there stuff don't usually part without screaming and crying, which only happened once during this garage sale) I find my self taking armfulls of item down to the sale, over and over again. 

Nice stuff. 

25 pairs of new shoes.  25 pairs of new jeans.  15 new purses.  I mean, there was about fifty trips of NICE stuff.  Jessica is wheeling and dealing below.  She gives a fair price and sticks to it--she won't be taken advantage of.  We are making money, alot of it.

The stale muffins we were selling from the Panniken sell like HOT CAKES.  Ever last hard croissant and corn muffin.  The people were delighted. 

At noon, Jessica's mom's room has NEVER looked better, you can actually WALK in her closet.  We count the total......

$430 FOR JACOB!  NO JOKE!  Has a random, almost unplanned garage sale ever made that much in history?  The story of that boy with loaves and fishes come to mind.  So.... strange?  You know what I mean. Thank you God. 


Debbie's friend comes over and says if we sell his dirt bike for $400, we can have 300 for Jacob.  We sold it.  $300 more dollars for Jake.  Now God's just showing off, and we LOVE it!  :)


Please keep praying for him,  especially that a family commits to him soon!  Oh buddy....


Patty said...

Amazing news! Amazing God!

BeholdingBeautiful said...

Oh my goodness! This is all SO fabulous...our GOD is SO busy at work through you, Jessica, your high school girls. Wow! I have goosebumps...keep it up Sista! =)

Luv4thePaws said...

Amy- Are we long-lost sisters?! I'm so glad to "meet" another person who felt like we did!! :) P.S. I'm from Dana Point, and I spent lots of time in Carlsbad! (I saw you live there!)

Kari :)