Well, she came early, and was able to come to Friday Flag Salutes. Miss Longstocking herself! She signed many autographs, participated in the book character parade, and even participated in the Reader's Theater with the principal, VP and a few others to a raucous round of cheers and applause. Some of my kids said Pippy should have won an Oscar! WOW! If only I could have been there! This is her during one of the most touching scenes from the reader's theatre, grab your kleenex!
Of course, there was also a mini celebrity visiting our school with Pippy. Really, the two are very seldom separate. Mr. Nilson accompanies Pippy the entirety of her visit, calmly perched on her shoulder. Infact, some of my student said they scarcely heard a peep from him all DAY! What a good little monkey!
Well, after the assembably, my students tried to go back to their classroom after one of the most life changing mornings, and to their suprise, Pippy and Mr. Nilson came along. Pippy said that she would be giving the dragons their spelling test, as well as running reading groups! WHAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS? yes. Pippy said she even loves the book their reading, Ramona age 8. Although I have total trust in Miss Longsticking's ability to run the class, I will tell you that I found an incriminating photo of the class maybe having a little too much fun...
Well, until next time, keep reading! And I'll let you know if any more celebrities visit my class.
1 comment:
innnnnncredible Mrs. B!
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