Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Can I tell you how amazed I am right now? I have been reading this blog

about a girl who lives as a missionary in Uganda. Everyday, she makes a difference between life and death for hundreds of children and orphans, around 400 to be exact. They attend school, receive medical care, and come to Katie's home on Saturday for lunch, Bible study and play time. Some of these children are so sick and malnourished when she finds them they have open sores and are barely mobile. Some she has taken into her own personal care...

and did I mention that she's 21? And remember when I said she has taken some into her care? Read what she wrote recently about her life as a missionary and caretaker of so many without parents:

"I don't even know where to start to tell about all that God has been doing in our lives since I last wrote. I know that my words aren't even close to adequate to describe His goodness and love.

A week ago today, I turned twenty one. I sat in awe as I celebrated with 14 beautiful girls who call me Mommy. (Ok one actually calls me "Maamaaaamammaaa") I wondered why God chose me, little ole twenty one year old me, to be entrusted with so much. There is nothing greater than the responsibility of raising a child to love Jesus. Except maybe raising 14. Words are escaping me. Two years ago today, two we moved into this home. In the last years I have learned more about Jesus, about myself, and about life than I ever could have imagined. I am so thankful. So, so very thankful for the life you have given me Jesus, for entrusting me with so much when I deserve so little..."

I am awed at this young girl with open arms to these needy children. Are you kidding!? 14!? For them, it was her or death. Katie was so moved by Jesus, that she scooped them out of ditches and gutters and is giving them new life. I am continually inspired and moved by her writing, but also challenged. She wrote this a while back and I thought it couldn't be said better:

"I DO NOT BELIEVE that the God of the universe created too many children in His image and not enough love or food or care to go around. In fact I believe that He created the Body of Christ for just that, to help these little ones, the least of these. And I believe that except for a handful, the Body of Christ is failing. And its not just me who thinks this. When I'm angry, I like to research so that I can at least feel a bit justified in my rage ;) According to several differnt resources, there are an average of 147 million orphaned children in the world today (this statistic includes children who have lost only one parent as well), 11 million children starve to death each year or die from preventable, treatable illness. 8.5 million children work as child slaves, prostitutes, or in other horrific conditions (making things like that cute baby Gap dress Jane wore today...) 2.3 million children world wide are living with HIV.

That is 168.8 million needy children like Michael and Patricia. Seems like a big number, huh? It shouldn't, because there are 2.1 BILLION people on this earth who profess to be Christians. Jesus followers. Servants. Gospel live-ers. And if only 8 percent of those Christians would care for just ONE of these needy children, they would all be taken care of."

Ouch! What are we as Christians focusing our time and energy on? I need to be doing more, I need to be God's hands and feet. Thank you so Katie for living boldly for Christ, and for being an inspiration for the rest of us who aren't...

Now go get moved by her amazing writing and life: http://amazima.org/blog.html

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