Tuesday, November 3, 2009

mind laps

OH MY GOSH! I am the slackingest blogger! I know, I know! So, what to write about...

Andrew and I sometimes wish we would sell all our earthly belongings and serve the poor in Guatelmala, yep, Guatelmala. Set up a home for the orphans on the street, revolutionize the education system by retraining their teachers, start small businesses to hand off to Guatemalans to support their families. Feed the poor, reach out to the needy, offer hope to the thousands living in the dump, pull kids out of the gutters who spend their afternoons sniffing paint out of a bottle, edify young mothers and teach them to love and care for their babies and not sell them....

These are things that fill our minds...but what about our relationships here? What about the American dream? What about family ties, and Thanksgiving turkey dinners, and tv time on the couch, and trader joes? What about savings accounts and dinner parties.

What about how our lives are a vapor. I believe that He wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them. I believe He wants us to be known for giving. To stop the suffering of the world. To stop giving excuses for others to not believe in God.

So now the decision. Should we go to Urbana and learn about missions this winter, or to book a flight straight to Guatemala and feel it out. Should we got now, or go later in life. Should we go?

Why am I even writing all this? Well, because it's the thought cycle that fills my mind. I want to be sure that whatever decision we make, that it is based on God's crazy love, and not my crazy centered fears.

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